If you have steady traffic to your website, plenty of returning and unique visitors, but are struggling for conversions and sales on the site, there might be an issue with your website. It could be a number of things: contact form fields, lead submit process or the usability of the website in general.
The primary goal of any marketing campaign is to produce conversions in the form of sales, leads, or subscribers. Everything, including developing and maintaining your website should be about profitability. Without being user path optimized, your site will not be able to fulfil its potential.
Through analysis of goal funnels, call-to-action analysis, and user path optimization best practices, we help our clients streamline and improve the conversion processes based on their goals.
We will help you figure out why your traffic might not be reaching the conversion pages and what the bottlenecks that are making so much traffic disappear half-way through the conversion funnel are.
At Searchgency, we will analyze your entire conversion path starting with the landing pages to give you an optimization strategy that will produce results within several weeks. Our team can help you develop a clear systematic process as to how and what to test the conversion path so that you can improve your conversion rates over a relatively short period of time. Let us show you how we can reduce your conversion path abandonment.
Our goal is to devise tests that will give us new knowledge about the unique motivations of our clients’ audiences and deeper insights into the challenges their customers face while traveling through the sales and marketing funnels. This is the business intelligence that we provide to help our clients gain a sustained competitive advantage.